


同天,英国驻缅甸临时代办皮特·沃尔斯(Pete Vowles)表示,他在烈士节当日向所有为国家未来而牺牲生命的人表示敬意和尊重。希望缅甸人民牢记缅军发动政变惨死其手中的一千多名平民,无论出自于什么动机,杀害平民是没有道理的。


Canadian, British and American embassies in Myanmar issued a statement to commemorate the 75th anniversary of Martyrs' Day

According to relevant media reports, the Canadian Embassy in Myanmar issued a statement today (July 19) on the 75th anniversary of the "Martyrs' Day" to commemorate General Aung San and all the soldiers who died for Myanmar's independence.

The statement said Canada opposes all threats, intimidation and acts of violence that undermine democratic institutions, including all forms of violent repression against civilians.

On the same day, the British Chargé d’affaires in Myanmar, Pete Vowles, said he paid tribute and respect to all those who gave their lives for the future of the country on Martyrs’ Day. I hope the people of Burma will remember that the Burmese army tragically killed more than 1,000 civilians in its hands in a coup d'état. No matter the motive, there is no reason to kill civilians.

The U.S. Embassy in Myanmar announced that they are paying tribute to the nine martyrs who gave their lives for their country 75 years ago today, so that their legacy can continue to be a source of strength for a new generation of democracy and peace efforts.
