
据有关媒体6月29日报道,国际工会联合会(International Trade Union Confederation/ITUC)6月28日表示,在过去一年里,工人们面临着创记录的劳工权利滥用,从工会禁令到暴力和谋杀。 根据国际工联2021年4月至2022年3月的全球权利指数调查的148个国家中显示,有50个国家存在身体暴力行为,比前一年(2021年)高出45个国家。 国际工联补充,包括意大利、印度和南非在内的13个国家的工会成员被杀害,其中劳工人口最糟糕的10个国家分别是孟加拉国、白俄罗斯、巴西、哥伦比亚、埃及、缅甸、菲律宾、土耳其、斯威士兰王国和危地马拉共和国。另外中东和北非仍然是世界上对工人来说最糟糕的地区。

International Trade Union Confederation: Myanmar is one of the 10 worst countries for working people

In the past year, workers have faced record abuses of labor rights, from union bans to violence and murder.

Physical violence is present in 50 of the 148 countries surveyed by the International Trade Union’s Global Rights Index from April 2021 to March 2022, up 45 countries from the previous year (2021).

Union members were killed in 13 countries, including Italy, India and South Africa, and the 10 countries with the worst labor populations were Bangladesh, Belarus, Brazil, Colombia, Egypt, Myanmar, the Philippines, Turkey, the International Trade Union added. , the Kingdom of Swaziland and the Republic of Guatemala. In addition, the Middle East and North Africa remains the worst region in the world for workers.
