
6月18日,应邀“和平会谈”的民主克伦仁爱军(DKBA)司令苏萨迪(Saw Steel)率领的代表团抵达内比都后,于6月19日与缅军领导人敏昂莱举行会晤,会谈期间,苏萨迪表示将永远与缅军合作,双方重申了建立基于民主和联邦制的联盟的观点,同时还讨论了地区发展等问题。

民主克伦仁爱军(DKBA)是第8家与缅军开启“和平会谈”的武装组织。当天,DKBA参加会谈的有司令苏萨迪、参谋长苏盛温上校、关系部主任苏觉丹铁(Saw Kyaw Than Htay),缅军方由总司令敏昂莱、副总司令梭温、妙吞乌上将、雅毕中将、莫敏吞中将等出席会谈。

据了解,由苏拉培上将率领的民主克伦仁爱军(DKBA)从克伦民族联盟(KNU)分离出来后于1994年命名为进步克伦佛教军 (DKBA),后于2010年改为民主克伦仁爱军(DKBA),在2011年与吴登盛政府签署州级初步双边停火协议,在2015年10月15日,又同多家武装组织一起与吴登盛签署《全国停火协议》(NCA)。2016年3月13日,苏拉培上将逝世后由苏莫谢上将担任总司令兼主席,2021年7月21日苏莫谢因感染新冠病毒医治无效去世,再由副司令苏萨迪担任DKBA总司令。

The Democratic Karen Ren'ai Army holds "peace talks" with Min Aung Hlaing, expressing that they will always cooperate with the Myanmar army

On June 18, a delegation led by Saw Steel, commander of the Democratic Karen Benevolent Army (DKBA), who was invited to the "peace talks", arrived in Nay Pyi Taw, and met with Myanmar Army leader Min Aung Hlaing on June 19. During the meeting, Sousadi said that he would always cooperate with the Burmese army. The two sides reiterated their views on building an alliance based on democracy and federalism, while also discussing issues such as regional development.

The Democratic Karen Benevolent Army (DKBA) is the eighth armed group to open "peace talks" with the Myanmar army. On the same day, the DKBA attended the talks with Commander Susadi, Chief of Staff Colonel Su Shengwen, and Director of Relations Department Saw Kyaw Than Htay. , Lieutenant General Yabi, Lieutenant General Mo Mintun and others attended the talks.

It is understood that the Democratic Karen Benevolent Army (DKBA), led by Admiral Surapet, was separated from the Karen National Union (KNU) and was named the Progressive Karen Buddhist Army (DKBA) in 1994, and later changed to the Progressive Karen Buddhist Army (DKBA) in 2010. The Democratic Karen Benevolent Army (DKBA) signed a preliminary bilateral ceasefire agreement at the state level with the U Thein Sein government in 2011. On October 15, 2015, it signed the National Ceasefire Agreement (NCA) with U Thein Sein together with several armed groups. On March 13, 2016, after the death of Admiral Surape, Admiral Su Moxie served as the commander-in-chief and chairman. On July 21, 2021, Su Moxie died due to ineffective treatment of infection with the new crown virus, and then the deputy commander Susadi was appointed. As the DKBA commander-in-chief.
