
据有关媒体报道,国际新闻学会 (IPI)表示,尽管国际社会反对推翻缅甸民选政府,并追究缅甸滥用权力的军方责任,但他们未能采取必要步骤迫使军政权通过谈判达成政治解决方案,未能解决日益增加的人道主义需求,也未能进行必要的外交协调,以防止缅甸成为一个失败的国家。

报道称,由欧洲议会副主席海迪·豪塔拉(Heidi Hautala)主持的国际新闻学会将调查国际社会对缅军政权发动政变的反应,并找出因政变带来的所有危机,还缅甸平民一个公道。IPI是由欧洲、亚洲、非洲和美洲组成的一个国际小组,目的是保护和关心弱势群体而组建的。


IPI 是东盟国会议员支持人权组织(APHR)的一项倡议,它将遵循在国家一级进行的久经考验的议会调查的形式。除了要求个别政府和国际组织提供信息外,IPI 还将接受来自各种利益相关者的书面和口头证词和证据。


由于国际社会没有作出适当努力减轻缅甸人民的痛苦,缅军政权发动政变造成的暴力、死亡和痛苦继续升级和加剧。今年1月,联合国人权事务高级专员米歇尔·巴切莱特(Michelle Bachelet)表示,国际社会的反应是“无效的,缺乏与危机规模相称的紧迫感”。

来自美国众议院议员伊尔汗·奥马尔(Ilhan Omar)说:“缅甸人民明确而勇敢地展示了他们对民主的渴望。他们不想缅军政权执政缅甸。美国必须毫不含糊地站在那些倡导建立以人权和平等为基础的缅甸民主的人一边。我们还必须支持宗教和政治少数群体的人权,包括已经遭受了很多苦难的罗兴亚人,以及所有面临压迫的人。”

International Press Institute investigates global response to Myanmar coup

According to relevant media reports, the International Press Institute (IPI) said that despite the international community's opposition to the overthrow of Myanmar's democratically elected government and the accountability of Myanmar's military for abusing power, they failed to take the necessary steps to force the military regime to negotiate a political solution. It was able to address growing humanitarian needs and failed to undertake the necessary diplomatic coordination to prevent Myanmar from becoming a failed state.

The International Press Institute, chaired by Heidi Hautala, vice-president of the European Parliament, will investigate the international response to the military regime's coup and find out all the crises brought about by the coup, as well as the return to Myanmar's civilian population, the report said. a fair one. The IPI is an international group of Europe, Asia, Africa and the Americas formed to protect and care for vulnerable groups.

Heidi Houtara said: “No one has made any progress in responding to the devastating crisis unfolding in Myanmar. As parliamentarians, we know that governments and international institutions can and must do more to end the current impasse. These hearings are intended to shed light on the inadequacies of the response and provide information on effective next steps to put pressure on the Myanmar military regime."

The IPI, an initiative of ASEAN Parliamentarians for Human Rights (APHR), will follow the form of tried-and-true parliamentary investigations conducted at the national level. In addition to requesting information from individual governments and international organizations, IPI will accept written and oral testimony and evidence from a variety of stakeholders.

APHR Chairman Charles Santiago said: “We are concerned that international institutions are not delivering on their promises, and we are appalled by the duration of international inertia in the deteriorating situation in Myanmar. We, as MPs from around the world, united for a common goal, will not This investigation has been hampered by the geopolitical considerations that have led to the current impasse."

The violence, death and suffering caused by the military regime's coup continued to escalate and intensify due to the failure of the international community to make adequate efforts to alleviate the suffering of the Burmese people. In January, the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, Michelle Bachelet, said the international community's response had been "ineffective and lacked a sense of urgency commensurate with the scale of the crisis".

Ilhan Omar, a member of the U.S. House of Representatives, said: "The people of Burma have clearly and bravely demonstrated their desire for democracy. They do not want the Burmese military regime to rule in Burma. The United States must stand unequivocally with those who advocate the establishment of The people side of Myanmar’s democracy based on human rights and equality. We must also support the human rights of religious and political minorities, including the Rohingya who have suffered a lot, and all who face oppression.”
